The digital billboards and screens in our network support both video ads and banner ads. Dimensions and supported resolutions may vary, so it’s important to create your ads according to the required specifications. You can find these in our catalog or directly on the technical specifications page.
Programmatic buying offers countless possibilities and combinations for ad targeting, allowing you to get creative with your campaigns.
You can set targeting based on time, location, or use custom triggers, such as synchronizing with campaigns in other media types.
Target your ads to the locations that best suit your campaign and its goals. There’s no need to buy all the billboards and screens a provider offers—just the ones you need.
Use triggers to respond to various situations and conditions, such as weather, inventory levels, or even sports results.
Display your ads when it makes the most sense, reaching customers at the right moment.
You can synchronize your digital billboard and screen campaigns with other campaigns, such as those on TV or mobile devices.
Once you have all the materials prepared for your campaign, we’ll ask you to create an advertising brief.
This allows us to ensure your campaign runs smoothly and that your creatives are approved for display in our advertising network.